Survey Intro
After confirming the credit summary, you will begin a short survey to answer a few questions about yourself to help us make a credit decision about your credit.
Select ‘Start Survey’ to begin.
Survey Questions
You must answer some basic questions in the two survey pages that follow. Here are a few guides to help you out.
- Some fields like ‘email address’ although optional, is highly recommended to provide. This helps our customer support team to offer you better service should you have to contact us in the future via our support channels.
- Answer each question as truthfully as possible. Some fields like ‘Employment Industry’ provide a list of options to choose from. Choose an industry that reflects your current employment status. If you do not find an exact match for your preferred choice.
- Alternative phone number field requires you to provide a different number apart from the one you used for registration. We will contact you using this number should your main number be unavailable. You should use your second most active number in this field if you own multiple phone numbers.
Adding a reference
On the Reference Page, you will be required to provide the contact details of one other person (besides yourself) as a reference. Should we try unsuccessfully to reach you for any reason, we will attempt to contact your reference to assist us to reach you.
Note that your reference is not a guarantor, and is not liable or responsible for the payment of your credit.